Donations or Pay Fines to the Humboldt Public Library
Thank you for your interest in making a donation to the Humboldt Public Library.
Monetary Donations or Pay Fines
If you are interested in giving a monetary gift to the library, please contact Library Director, Demi Johnson, at (515) 332-1925 or
Or, you can also make donations or pay fines at the City of Humboldt website.
Click here for the City of Humboldt website.
Then, click on the Online Bill Pay tab.
Book Donations
The Humboldt Public Library Board welcomes gifts of materials as long as they fit into library criteria. Materials that do not meet library criteria will be placed on the “Free Materials” shelf, sold, or donated.
Please bear in mind that a gift of materials given to the library becomes the property of the library and is subject to the same handling as all other library materials.
Gifts of materials that will only be made with restrictions and stipulations, regretfully, cannot be accepted.
If you are interested in donating a book to the library, please contact Library Director, Demi Johnson, at (515) 332-1925 or